Murdered Voices

Sunday, April 17, 2016

                                   What You Must Do For Yourself

A man’s life must mean something.  Do not die and leave your children in despair.   You must stand up.  Do not die and leave your child without an inheritance.  An inheritance can be just a dream, it can be a thought.  An inheritance can be a symbol.  Leave something behind so your children can build on.

Now here is the list of changes women will have to make to reduce the number of murders by 30%:

1.     Be quiet, shut up and stop talking.  Do you know how many women have been murdered because they did not stop talking?  If you are always talking you cannot observe and evaluate. 
2.     If you go to a bar by yourself, leave the bar by yourself.  Bars, nightspots, tavern and other nightspots are littered with sexual predators.  Let no man give you are drink.  Never leave your drink on the counter and once a man begins chatting with you stop drinking.  He may put GHB in your drink. 
3.     God said adultery is a sin.  You should get psychiatric help if you continue to seek relationships with married men.  To reap satisfaction from making love to a woman’s husband in her bed is a sickness you developed because of the numerous rejections you have experienced.  No amount of sin will redeem your wounded spirit.  Go to the Lord and ask him to heal you. 
4.     Stop arguing.  Don’t threaten.  Look at the number of women murdered during arguments.  People threaten because they are frustrated and feel helpless in handling their problems.
5.     Do not let non-related males live in your home.  These men should find lodging elsewhere.  You are teaching your children fornication is an acceptable behavior.  Do your do outside the home.  
6.     Do not let anyone using alcohol or drugs near your children.  They cannot spend the night.  Your home exists for the protection of your children not as a haven for the weary or a lounge rat. 
7.     Do not let non-related males baby-sit your children.
8.     Children are not your tools to use to punish their fathers.  He maybe your husband but he is their father.  In the Bible every son is called under his father.   And they love and need him just as much as they love and need you.
9.     Sex before marriage is a sin, your fatherless child will pay for your sin.  Fornication is wrong because it is the innocent that pays for your indiscretions.  Fatherless children should be protected with the utmost diligence.  Their environment should be controlled.  They cannot be exposed to any and every one.
10.  Stop berating and criticizing other females.  Keep your comments and insults to yourself.  Envy and jealousy is staring you in the face.  Your hatred for your sister-in-law is because she keeps a better home than you and because she is educated and you are not. 
11.  Stop making unfounded assumptions.
12.  Stay away from negative people, whose only activity is talking. 
13.  Stop using alcohol and drugs to solve your problems.
14.  Turn the television off.
15.  Re-evaluate your girlfriends.  Do not let her suggestions lead you into sin.  You are responsible for your moral decisions. 
16.  Stop discussing your sex life with your coworkers and friends.  You are setting yourself up for betrayal. 
17.  Do not let friends or family live in your home.  If they are out doors rent them a room.  Your home is for your family members only.
18.  Do not commit fornication just because you use a birth control devise.  
19.  Do not commit adultery.  God said adultery is a sin.  Just because you husband commits adultery does not open the door for you to follow him. 
20.  Stop all illicit affairs. 
21.  Stops whining to every one you meet including your husband.
22.  Stop nagging.
23.  Stop being a doormat.   Leave!
24.  Stop bringing children into this world that are fatherless.
25.  Grow up and take responsibility for your children and your marriage.
26.  Clean your home and fix your hair.   Children are sensitive to the appearance of their parents and home. 
27.  Go back to school.  Life is about development and change. 
28.  Get a job.  Be careful while traveling to and from home. 
29.  Talk to your son about sex, birth control and his sexuality. 
30.  Teach your son to respect women by example. 
31.  Stop inviting your son over to your home without his wife so he can meet his ex-girlfriend(s).
32.  Stop talking about your son about his wife.  He did not marry you he married her.
33.  Mothers stop borrowing money from one son to save another son draining the family of its finance.  Just because the delinquent son favors the man you loved. 
34.  Grandmothers stop trying to take your daughter-in-law’s children.  You destroyed her marriage and now you want to take her children. 
35.  Whatever your husband buys for you keep it to yourself. 
36.  Do not let your girlfriend advise you to commit a sin. 
37.  Teach your sons how to extricate themselves from dangerous situations developed by their friends and acquaintances.  Teach them to say No!  Teach them to leave the area.
38.  You need to lose weight.  Your weight is lowering your self-esteem. 
39.  Teach your son that drugging their date’s drink is wrong.  Teach your sons the difference between rape and sexual permission. 

If you cannot read change

If you do not speak well change
If you drink too much change
If you smoke too much change

If you eat too much change
If you talk too much change.
If you are angry all the time change
If you are unhappy all the time change

Women Must Always Be Alert!

                                         You Must Always Snoop, Listen and Pry!

Excerpt from Murder In The Family

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